My Amazon Echo

Recently, for Christmas actually, I got an amazon echo. It was a surprise at first, as it was not on my original Christmas list. I had added it later but still was not sure. I was happy with getting it regardless. It turns out that my amazon echo is really useful and enjoyable to use. Here is my opinion and review on the amazon echo, if you are looking to get one yourself:

Sound- 5 of 5 stars
High quality sound and great for music!

Response correctness- 4 of 5 stars
Usually correct on most things and answers mostly every time

Price- 4 of 5 stars
Good affordable price for what you are getting

Overall usage- 5 of 5 stars
This device is overall great for usage around the house

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed. If you did, take a look at some of
my other blog post. Thanks, Jacob 2/27/18


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