Happy Friday!
If you have visited my blog already, thank you for returning, and if you 
new, thank you for checking out my blog. Since today is Friday, I thought I would start
a challenge for everyone today. It is called the minimalist challenge. It is very
fun, and productive to help you get rid of stuff that is just laying around the
house. Here is how this challege works:

Over the course of the next month, if you decide to do this challenge with me,
you will make a major difference with getting rid of clutter in your house. One day one
will focus on getting rid of all of the bulk of items

Here is our plan
Day 1 get rid of 1 item
Day 2 get rid of 2 items
Day 3 get rid of 3 items

You will continue collecting the amount of items that the day of the month
corresponds with, if that makes sense. You will do this up to day 31 , where you will
collect 31 items. This is amazing, because If  you folllow the plan, you will have gotten rid
of over 400 items in total.

I hope that you have a great rest of your Friday, and remember to share ideas, post
comments, and give me feedback. Also, please follow my blog to get notified of new
content. Thank you for reading as always!!!


  1. I don't know when you had time to write this since you are at school but I like your writing and your enthusiasm.


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